Wednesday, October 26, 2005

University Tour.

La Duena and I were treated to a little tour of the internal operations of the University Dining halls this afternoon.

They are interested in getting something set up with local more independent restaurants to bring in some ideas and something to break up the monotony for all of the college students. The idea has merit, I am a little apprehensive until I see how things go, it isn't exactly the easiest thing to supplant one menu atop another. I think they are just looking for some ideas and some name recognition more than anything, they would even be willing to do all of the prep work themselves. I might supervise in some capacity, just making sure that the product quality standards are being maintained.

I just now need to figure out what I would like to do, and what would work.

They are trying it out with another restaurant tomorrow evening, I am anxious to see how it falls into place.

I took a quick run tonight along the river, almost got myself lost which is amazing considering the close proximity from where I live to where I was running. It is just about a half mile from my house to the river, and there are still areas in which I haven't seen, and it isn't like I don't run there often. I probably run down by the river at least 3 times a week, but usually it is during the evening, when everything is a tad bit darker. My urge for exploring is diminished after the sun sets. Really I am convinced there is an entire population of transient cannibals who come out at night, I don't want to risk losing a limb or worse. In my vast experience it is never a good idea to tempt cannibals with man flesh, just not a good idea.

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