Monday, December 12, 2005


Something has always bugged me. Always might be a little of an exaggeration, but at least for as long as I have lived here in Minneapolis. Heck, even that isn't true, really just only as long as I have lived here in this house. Just a block from my nice "cozy" So-mini bungalow is a middle school. Probably grades 5-8 or something in that range. It is easy to judge their ages based upon one their size (the girls are tall) and secondly how their mouths freely spit obscenities. From my childhood, I remember it was about that age when I started feeling more "grown up" with using such language.

Tom Waits' "I don't wanna grown up" just randomly shuffled on my iPod right when I typed "grown up" creepy.

What bugs me really doesn't have anything to do with children and their cussing, even though as I get older that does bug me. I don't really feel like I am in much of a position to do anything about it, even if I could do I care that much? Shit, it isn't like I am a nun myself or anything, with the exception of when I am around children I am just as bad as those kids. My philosophy has always been that they are going to learn it eventually, why do they need to learn it from me.

On now, to what really bugs me. As I think a little harder about it, perhaps bug is a little strong of a word, or at least not exactly indicative of my emotions. Saddened is probably a little better of a term to describe it. That school a block away, doesn't have a playground at all. Instead, where you would normally have the grass, jungle gym, shit like that, has all been paved over. During the day time, you see children out there, playing the best they can. Tossing footballs, playing tag, etc. all on blacktop. I cannot profess to having the fondest memories looking back upon my time growing up, and I never really looked forward to recess. At least back then, where I went to school we at least had grass to sit on, not fucking cement.

My real question that I would like answered is whose idea was it in the first place to pave over the grass. At one point in time, I am fairly certain that the little plot of land wasn't always paved over. At one time there was grass and probably dandelions proliferating damn near everywhere. So someone had to decide that it would be a good idea to just cover the entire area with asphalt and call it good. My guess is a disgruntled maintenance worker, got sick of mowing.

Another possibility is that a bureaucrat decided that paying for the maintainance on lawn and playground structures wasn't worth it anymore, especially since there's a park 2 blocks away that they could do outdoor gym stuff at during the summer...
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