Sunday, December 18, 2005

First Date Part Deux.

Had that first date I have been talking about.

Now the thing about first dates in my experience, is that usually it is a time to get to know the other person, it isn't until later in which you delve deep into the depth of the craziness which that "new friend" really encompasses. Now the best locations to do things like this? Coffee shops are nice, perhaps over a meal at some average restaurant, or even just a drink. You should try and make sure that the scene isn't distracting from the getting to know that other person, or else the mind does wander. So choose a location where there will not be the many outside distractions.

Dating tips from the soon to be divorced guy eh? Take good notes people.

I would also like to take this moment to say that I did indeed have a good time tonight, but it wasn't what I would call a typical first date. See I went to her company Christmas (Holiday) party. So instead of being able to focus on the person who really I hardly know (still), I was stretched all around that well decorated suburban banquet facility. I met all of her bosses, friends, favorite waitresses, and enemies, all while getting to know this girl myself. In one such instance I learned that she was planning on moving to Denmark within the next 6 months or so. I discovered this little morsel of information when someone asked me what I was planning on doing when she left. Ok been there before, so I know how to field such a question, but what was I supposed to say in this situation? I just said I didn't quite know yet, not to divulge that we weren't yet "dating", I am sure everyone assumed we were a couple. Granted on the same token she learned about my impending divorce when another girl started talking about being in the same situation. I hate to say it, but really I think I would feel more comfortable with the girl who is soon to be legally single than the girl who already is. Something about mutual shared trauma that just allows people to bond on a different level. And I would say that divorce is quite traumatic, almost like a limb being severed, or dealing with a death of a love one. The thing about dealing with someone dying is that you get some support from the community around you, with divorce you sometime get that, but most of the time you have to deal with it yourself.

I think that is what some of the allure with the Edina girl was, although we knew the inevitable was bound to happen. Just we had both been there, having to explain what "it" feels like just wasn't needed. Getting past that hump can be harder than one would expect, unless you have been through something like a divorce, I don't see how you can get people to understand fully what it is like. Like your whole world is spiraling down the toilet and despite your efforts to save that shitty, puke strewn toilet water, it still goes down the tube. You still feel like you have enough of an attachment to that stinky water, that you really care that it goes down the drain, even if it will do nothing but get you sick and stink up your house.

So I am probably going to go out with this girl again, although I don't know quite where it will lead. Another problem is the age difference, she turns 23 here in 3 days. So I am almost 5 years older than she is, the is out of my normal age range. It seems more socially acceptable for men to date women younger than themselves, so I shouldn't really consider that a hindrance.

One thing I will probably do though, is help her throw a "dinner party". There is one planned for the 26th of December, of which I was just invited. Now, you know that there is no way in hell that Sr. Felipe will go to such an event without planning the entire thing and doing the majority of the cooking. If nothing else it will be an ego boost, cooking for 6 women in their early 20's is like shooting fish in a barrel right? I already have started planning the menu out in my head, she told me there was a buffalo roast in her freezer that was earmarked for such and occasion. I am thinking red wine and garlic braised buffalo with oven roasted thyme gnocchi, and chevre. Not really that haute by today's standards, but really simple and impressive nonetheless. I can taste that buffalo meat falling apart in my mouth as I speak (write). The more I do this cooking thing, the more I can taste the dishes before I even cook thing, weird huh?

I didn't bike at all today, I feel bad about that.

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