Monday, January 16, 2006

I heart bicycles.

First off I would like to take this moment to apologize to all of you about the silly size of my even sillier bicycle images. I had originally planned on just doing the fun caption adding in photo shop, at which time I would have been able to just adjust the JPEG compression ratio while saving the file. Things got all screwy, so I didn't end up being able to use photoshop (don't ask) so I used a different program before I uploaded the pictures to my FTP server. I kind of forgot about upping the compression, so that is why my page too so long to load for a while there. I fixed the problem, or at least I think I did.

I found this pretty fun program Imagewell which makes the whole manipulation process pretty dang fun. The best part is that you can send the pictures directly from the program to your FTP site without having to save to your desktop. You also get to add stupid little text boxes and crop the picture into cute shapes, silly I know but I like it, once again creating a pretty dang strong argument for my dorkiness. Sorry all you PC users, this is another Mac specific proggy.

That is a picture of the phantom new bike I have been talking about for at least the last month, I will probably get more pictures up soon enough.

There was more stuff that happened today, but I am too lazy to go into much detail, suffice to say it involves organic maple syrup, costco and a girl who was born less than 50 miles away from where I was in California. Really though, not too interesting. Knowing me I will talk in detail later after I get a shower in.

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