Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sad Sad Sad

First off, I would like to think the winter gods for allowing us a little reprieve from this cold and aggravating winter season. I think it was actually almost 40 degrees today!! The sun was shining to boot, perfect weather for, you guessed it, bike terrorism. Ok well terrorism might be a little too drastic of a term, bicycle silliness might be more apt a phrase.

I am thinking really hard about organizing a bicycle u-lock fight club, helmets mandatory. Those of you with those long tempered steel chains aren't invited, that just wouldn't be fair

After I gave a review, I had nothing to do so I headed out upon the bicycle super highway on my way to uptown. It felt nice not having to worry about snow or ice underneath my skinny slick bicycle tires. I still think I need to get on the bike more often, I am no where near to my normal riding shape, this winter of 1 mile commutes isn't really enough to build up them old leg muscles.

My plan was to stop by Kitchen Window and get myself a whet stone, preferably a ceramic. I really should have purchased one when I was in NY, the would have been the smart thing to do, I just wasn't thinking about it at the time. The selection was sparse and expensive at the cute kitchen supply store tucked deep into Calhoun square. I decided to just forgo that purchase for today, opting to do a little internet searching before I drop 70 dollars on piece of equipment to sharpen my knives. I will probably hold off breaking my new knives into rotation at the restaurant, I have this fear of a careless employee lopping off a finger in a moment of haste. A knife isn't something that should be handled lightly, respect is key.

I headed upstairs to The Independent for a beer and some happy hour eats, I hadn't really had much to eat all day. I got my blue moon with orange garnish, and waited for my pizza and zucchini fries to arrive. Just a few notes first off about the pizza, first off they don't roll their own crusts, obviously sysco cracker crust. Second, when the menu states fresh mozzarella, I expect as such, not your average part-skim shredded mozz on every cheap pizza from here to Tijuana. Third, when you say julienned basil on top of the margharita, I expect basil, not spinach cleverly cut thin in hopes that no one will notice the substitution. I know what happened, who ever did the order didn't order enough basil, and the resourceful cook used what ever they had on hand, which happened to be spinach. I don't know if most people would have noticed, but there is a big difference between basil and spinach. The zucchini fries were a disappointment as well, the breading just wasn't adhering to the zucchini, so instead of fries, I got greasy, soggy, disgusting pieces of vegetable.

Well I did take the rest of the pizza home, but I didn't hardly touch the fries, not worth it. And to think I almost got a job working as the sous for that restaurant a couple of years back, in retrospect I am glad I didn't. I remember that they were making their own raviolis and the chef was new and eager to get thing to a more upscale point. Too bad for her, that what ever strides that were attempted didn't quite hit the mark. First and foremost people come to that place for the booze anyway, so I am sure the food is secondary.

I am still sweaty from biking, so I had better take a shower/bath before I stick to my chair.

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