Friday, January 06, 2006


Well I didn't realize in until I thought about tomorrow being my bro's 30th birthday, but today would have been my 6th wedding anniversary. Fitting as well me and the ex did our little cyberspace version of fighting, of course having to do mostly with money more than anything else. Things get complicated and tempers tend to flare when you don't agree upon things. It made me upset, and I am sure it made her upset, who after all cares to deal with conflict. Conflict is what the majority of us being Americans try our best to avoid. Especially in Minnesota, everyone puts on this front, a false sense of benevolence that just clouds the true feelings they hold for each other. "Minnesota Nice" is nothing but a front, a false and almost forced set of social interaction which don't mean shit. Given that, conflict is something I as well don't like to deal with, I would rather just sincerely get along with everyone, but that isn't the case (sadly).

So my day at work was a little wack, just because of my mood being soured.

I ran bread over to JPs (we are selling to them right now) and was lucky enough to talk to Edgar and Nancy, whom I have not seen for about a year. I remember back in the day I was actually the one who filled out Edgar's application to work at JPs, as well I helped out doing a little minor translating, nothing serious. When I think back on it, my Spanish wasn't near as good as it is today, how did I ever get along translating? It wasn 't until I was sous at Tres Pescados when I started to become proficient and confident at the language, before I was just gung-ho. I wasn't afraid to just speak up and make a fool of myself, just to practice, learn, get better. Nancy and Edgar just had a boy 6 months ago, which is good for them, although I don't know the legal ramifications considering they might not be totally legit and the baby was born here. Nancy proposed to me though, right in front of her "husband". Once she learned of my divorce, she was really anxious to get married to me, probably has more to do with the papers than actual affection shared between us, nonetheless I was a little flattered.

I saw Mai and Aella at Plan B, talked for quite a while, but I wanted to get out of uptown and into my little section of the world. Aella played Barbie games on my iBook, which were sinister and devious in nature, seeing as the "prize" is some credit at the online Barbie store. So the children think that they are actually winning something, when in reality all they are is convincing the parental figures to buy more and more Barbies. Evil devils, marketing to little children, they really should be ashamed of themselves.

On a little side note, I never new that the Chatterbox had WIFI, but they do.

I am just sitting here waiting for hereNT, drinking a pint. I am planning on getting some food here in a bit, but I figure I should wait until he joins me. Also there was just a 9 top that ordered in front of me, and that will undoubtedly affect the timeliness and quality of my meal. In a small kitchen, a large order near ALWAYS acts as a wrench in the cogs, sometimes bringing the works to a screeching halt. So because of that I am planning on waiting just a little bit.

I think this everytime I come here, but how is it that the proportion of women to men in this pub is always 2-1?

Works in our favor it does.

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