Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Dropped like a red hot cobra.

Well I went for a little bike ride tonight. I wasn't planning on it, things just sort of happened. I was taking the Trek out for a spin, remember this is just the second time I have ever ridden the bike but I stopped by the cafe to drop off a flyer for my BBQ. As I was leaving I noticed about 25 spandex clad ladies on bikes waiting to go for a ride... It took me a moment to recognize some of them, but I knew a few. I was invited (by Tracy) to join the ladies for this weeks ride, how could I really say no right?

I had not really planned for going on a ride aside from just around the neighborhood to get used to my new bike, so I wasn't quite prepared. Listen to me making excuses already.

The ride wasn't bad, just over to St Paul up summit and down grand to the high bridge (Robert?). This is where I noticed that I just plain suck.. The peleton of women totally kicked my ass going up the hill, while I was left to wallow in my own self-pity knowing that I am 1/2 the bike rider I once was. A winter full of 1.5 mile commutes has broken me. After we got to the top of the hill (which was a bitch BTW) we turned down Delaware and it looked like things were going to be easier and I was starting to feel some stamina regaining and growing. Turning onto Delaware, having fun in the saddle again, shifting to a harder gear, I drop the chain inbetween the freewheel and the dropout. Now my bike is stopped, and since I was at the end of the Peleton (talking to Tracy) no one seemed to notice my mechanical difficulties. It took me about 5 minutes to fix the problem, by which time they were long gone. So I was subjected to riding back home all by my lonesome...

So sad.

I have to say some of those girls can really ride, too bad I don't think I will be allowed on another ride, they said every guy gets just one a year. Next year, I will do better, I swear.

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