Thursday, May 04, 2006


So I have been working at the cafe for a little over 8 months now. Something about the restaurant business which is generally universal is that you can almost count upon high turn over. People just don't really stay at the same place, at least cooks don't. Interesting enough the entire time I have worked there, I have had just 2 cooks quit on me. One was persuing greener pastures at a new co-op in the suburbs, the other left to Seattle. Wait, there was another guy who just didn't show up about 3 weeks into me working there, he just worked 1 day a week though, so it wasn't too big of a deal. Not a bad track record I would say, makes me feel a little good about my manageral skills, especially considering I have only been doing so for a couple of years.

Today I got an application, interesting enough from the same guy who quit 5 months ago to work at the co-op. So does that mean I am back down to 2 employees quitting on me? I think so.

I really have not had to post many ads at all when looking for cooks, it seems whenever I need someone, they magically appear.

Off subject, the people are here to finally finish up the selling of my car... Sweet!!

I can't find your e-mail address so I'm posting this here because I know you'll find it funny.

I stopped into Cars-R-Coffins Coffee tonight to check out the used bike selection and go in back to talk to Hurl and I look at the bike he's got clamped up on the bench and is throwing some fixie gear on, and it's that old Kuwahara!

Even better, he's fixing it up for his sorta famous friend Woody McBride aka DJ ESP.

It was so hilarious. The Kuwahara lives on!
Funny enough I built my winter bike up with a frame that was pretty much the doppelganger of the Kuwahara. It was marked as a Takara but the dropouts are stamped Kuwahara. My suspicion is that they came from the same factory, really they ride the same.

Glad to see that the old bike is still alive and kickin.
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