Saturday, June 24, 2006

Go-in To Montucky.

As most of you probably know my little sis is going to be off on her way to be living (most likely at least) in the great state of Montana, where we were all raised. That will seriously diminish the Minneapolis Werst presence, but we should be able to hold our own without her, as missed as she is going to be.

The plan was that my Mother was going to drive out here with a trailer and haul K-Dog and all her stuff the 1k miles along 94 to 90 through ND, MN and eastern MT. I got to thinking, I have been trying to get some sort of a MT trip planned for the last couple of months, time and work just haven't really allowed it. Why not just load up the back of my Pick-Up (meaning I will have to wait an extra month of two to sell it) and seize the opportunity to do some serious visiting before school starts to kick my ass. Not to mention I have not even so much as gazed upon my new baby niece.

So sometime end of July or beginning of August you all might be seeing my mug around, causing trouble, drinking too much and hitting on all the gorgeous Missoula girls I was able to the last time I was there.

A little cherry to top it off, some of my friends are planning a "Return to Missoula" party for all of us that have scattered throughout the nation. Probably what a high school reunion would have been like if I had managed to finish, shit that would have been this year, must be getting old.

Alright I have a wedding to crash, going dressed in my wife beater, wranglers and black leather cowboy boots in true Montana boy fashion, I should pick up a bottle of beam and a 6'er of shmidt ice on the way.

Hmmm. Maybe I should fly out there and keep you company on the way back. I don't think that the three of us would be too comfortable on the way out, and it would be cool to see everyone out there again...

And lord knows that I'm going to be needing some time off soon or I'm going to go postal at work...
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