Friday, August 18, 2006

Day Three.

Things are looking grim.

Three days with no work and I am running out of ways to occupy my time. Ok well that isn't entirely true, there is always drinking and riding bikes, that seems to be a recurring theme in my life as of late. Still no job, I keep looking though.

They did call me in for orientation at the big downtown restaurant that is opening up in a couple of weeks. That could be an incredible place to work, but I have a feeling that they are so over staffed that they aren't even really going to need me much. Also I am not sure how I feel about having a job with such a high stress level why I am trying to go to school. I have an interview at UPS monday night, just simple baggage handler position, nothing to write home about. The pay really isn't all that good, but the fact that you get benefits with just 20 hours a week looks mighty attractive. They also have a program where you can get like 3000 a year in tuition reimbursement, that helps.

Given that my rent is so dirt cheap, I should have no problem supporting myself with less income. The really should be focusing hard on school right now, just get the shit done and over with.

Aside from that there really isn't much going on in my life, I am unemployed and starting to feel a bit bored.

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