Saturday, August 05, 2006


I am finding myself just a tad bit worried about the near future, still no secure full time position and just a scant 10 days left of gainfull employment. Egads! Compound that with the fact that my house hasn't sold yet and I might just find myself in a tough situation here soon. Though I do have 10 full days to pimp my resume around, I should be able to find at least a line cooking job in that time.

Crazy busy again at work today, right at the turn from b-fast to lunch is when the line started backing up near to the door. Something about having to cook the two just makes our job that much more difficult. Everyone worked like a champ and we ended the day unscathed.

After work a couple of us were going to help our my new across the street neighbor lift her bed up onto a raised landing. The steep angle of the stairs in this particular house just don't let you bring up even a full size box spring. Thadeo was going to drive the two of us over to the new place, even if it is just 4 blocks. Sadly Thadeo's buick just didn't feel like turning over. Closer inspection and a call to El Padre helped nail down the issue. Some relay in the fuse box was firing even with the ignition switch off therefore draining the battery to nothing. Being the good boss I am, I got my truck and after some effort and scraping of terminals and correctly applying the jumper cables started the car. At this point I recommended he not help us lift the mattress, instead just get him self someplace ASAP. Last thing I wanted to do was have to start the car again, and as long as it was running there was enough power being generated that even a faulty relay wouldn't be able to drain.

The lifting of the mattress went ok, I was able to do most of the lifting myself, but I am good at that heavy lifting manual labor shit.

I still don't know how I feel about another group of b-wood employees moving in accross the street. In a 3 block radius there are at least 10 former or current b-wood employees. Just the night before last I was sitting inoccently in my living room listening to The Shins on my record player when I hear this faint nasal "Phil!". At first I thought I may have been imagining things, but then it came again "Phil!" same nasally women's voice. Not knowing who was shouting at me I meekly waved, this resulted in what was certainly alchohol induced laughter. So my new neighbors can see into my apartment, great, no more walking around nude.

Last but not least in this semi-long winded entry...

I got my wallet back finally. Remember how I dropped it in a parking lot up north a bit over a month ago? Well playing phone tag with the man who found it, I eventually got to talk to him in person and he sent me the lost billfold. All of the cards had been canceled withing 1 hour of losing the wallet, naturally so there was no need to be excited about that. I did get my video shop membership back, as well as my U card and all of the cash I had. There was 82 dollars still in the wallet when I got it back, which is about what I figured I had. I wasn't certain about how much cash I had to start with, or how much I had spent on the road up north. Silly honest north country lutherans, I would have taken those cards and gotten myself a hooker in vegas, seriously folks.

Well I have tofu roasting in the oven I should take a look at as well as a sparks just sitting on the coffee table waiting for me to partake.

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