Monday, August 14, 2006
Ok, like I was saying I got an offer this last weekend on the house. It wasn't the best offer, but really I was getting to a point of desperation and desire to just be done with the house/marriage/old life. There are things that I want to do that are being put on hold until the house is in the past. So that said I was happy to get an offer in the first place. Everything was on track for my (ex)sister-in-law to sign with power of attorney at 10:30 this morning. I get a call at 10:40 from our real estate agent, someone heard that there was an offer on the house and stepped up to the plate and entered another offer. For the next two hours I was working the line and in a constant state of (flux?) anticipation wondering how the new offer would stack up to the previous one. I finally get the call and hear the good new, it is close but better enough that we would be stupid not to accept. Just 30 minutes later I sit at a table and am signing once again the paper work. Both of the buyers are single males, which means if nothing else a further gentrification of the neighborhood. You have to be making a good sum of cash to be able to afford a place by yourself in this market, far more than jobless felipe is going to be making anytime soon. The newest buyer is really excited about the place, which makes me think he will take better care of it. The last buyer seemed pretty aloof as to if we would even accept the offer or not, he may have just been playing hardball but still. Another good point is that this new buyer is ready to close anytime after september 1st, so in just over 2 weeks I may be able to think back upon the house as little more than a fond memory.
So I was going to try and find a picture to post here today from my iphoto library...
This is the best I could come up with...

So I was going to try and find a picture to post here today from my iphoto library...
This is the best I could come up with...

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