Thursday, August 24, 2006

I just wanted to give all you readers accross the country a little glimse into the fun weather we are all sitting through right now in the twin cities. That really dark red part is as I type passing over my apartment. Fun shit. Lets just hope that the power doesn't get kicked off before I finish typing this.
Well there really hasn't been much going on, I have not been working for almost a week and a half and really I am starting to get the hang of relaxing. There aren't really that many projects left to do around the apartment, so most of my leisure time is being spent either reading, watching movies or cooking.
Meals cooked in the last 24 hours.
Last night, pasta with a saffron eggplant sauce and lots of fresh chevre and EVOO.
This morning, steel cut oatmeal with vanilla soymilk, organic french vanilla yogurt (tastes like freakin ice cream)
Lunch, lots of sausage, salami, olives, pita and chevre bought from a mid afternoon run to Bill's Imported foods.
Dinner tonight shrimp spring rolls, fresh variety no the greasy ass fried ones. Lots of cilantro, somen noodles, shredded carrots, garlic and ginger. Did a little run by United Noodle on my way back from Bills.
I have to try my best to conserve my cash, no job will do that to a guy. At least my rent is dirt cheap, and I should be (fingers crossed knocking on wood here) closing on the house September 1st.
Speaking of Jobs I had another interview at Up$ this afternoon. The lady who I talked too seemed super eager to get me to work there. She kept on talking about these other things I could do, like be a saturday truck driver, supervise the rest of the package handlers etc. It might not be a bad gig delivering for that company, the full time drivers earn about 60-70k a year.
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