Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First day of School.

Well it is official now, I am once again a full fledged student. Even as I knew it was approaching, it still didn't seem real until I was sitting in my classes, listening to lectures and once again turning a section of my brain on that has long laid dormant. Already with just the two classes I had today, the writing and reading responsibilities are going to be enormous, and I still have 3 more classes tomorrow, egads. This just reiterates the fact that there is no was I would have been able to maintain this level of a course load and still work a full-time job, not possible. As is I have a feeling I am going to be busting my butt every week just to keep on top of things, add to that the stress of work like I was doing before, I would be a wreck.

Out of nowhere I decided to have a little BBQ yesterday, end of the summer send off, labor day whatever. It was hastily planned at best, but still about 25 people (A few of whom I didn't even invite) showed up and we quickly ran out of food. I thawed out the last Kobe Beef round from my freezer and once again marinated it with miso, ginger, soy and plenty of garlic. The 2 cases of PBR I figured would be enough, but the well ran dry early in the night. It was probably for the best though, I had to wake up early enough for school, best that I not be hungover for it.

But still no job, though I did send my resume off to 4 places today. I don't know how fruitful any of the places will end up being, considering I have no idea if any of them are even hiring. I just picked 4 places that I know I would like to work at and started from there. Worse comes to worse I don't have a job and have to mooch off of loans and house money for a little longer, I can imagine worse situations.

well, it was a pretty stinkin' good bbq if you ask me. thanks again for having us!
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