Thursday, September 07, 2006

Try to stay ahead.

In an effort not to get behind this semester, I just finished writing two little papers and have most of the reading done for next week. The papers were quick and painless, always a good thing. I am still thinking I am going to have to drop one of my classes, especially since I don't know how long my extended period of unemployment is going to be sustainable. Don't get me wrong, having the time and ability to focus on school and only school is nice, cash is one of the evils of our society. Necessary evil that it may be, I am going to have to start searching with more diligence here shortly.

On a lighter note, I decided what one large purchase I am going to do with all the money from selling my house. In my mind it is more of an investment than purely a frivolous expenditure. An investment that should add to my general state of mind, as well as one that will probably not lose it's value, in fact it may increase. I am going to buy a painting from this guy a friend of a friend who I see all over the place. I fell in love with his paintings a while back when he had a show at the BLB, but back then it wasn't something I could justify spending lots of cash on. Back when I had to worry about rent and mortgage both, I couldn't justify the expense. Now things are a little different, I know I will find a job, just a matter of time and my bills are so cheap, why not. I would have liked to have purchased some from the show, but 19/20 sold on opening night.

Sweet I just found a picture of the painting....

In case you are all wondering, he is the guy who painted that big mural on the new Dun(n) Bro's accross from the BLB...

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