Monday, October 30, 2006
Bikes Fire And More School

First off I would like to encourage any of you that are stuck inside here in Minneapolis to get out there ASAP, although the sun is setting the temp is awesome. Tomorrow however is supposed to be bien frio again, so what the hell.
The Saturday Night Ride this week was a good time, lots of craziness abounding as it was the last before the upcoming holiday. Anyone else notice how Halloween has just exploded in popularity in the past decade, it was always big, but now it is huge. As I turned off of Riverside to take a little short cut through the campus, I saw 3 college aged kids rolling around in the dirt, I hope it was for a costume, or else I am quite disconnected from the rest of my school mates.
There was a pretty good posse at McD's per usual (much better than the 4.5 of us last week), I think there was about a dozen of us, average I would say. We headed into St. Paul, taking University the entire way, and luckily enough with the wind at our backs. After hitting A's house from a little beer/sparks stop, we continued riding down towards the capital. There was a party that we had all been invited to, though I didn't know any of the people throwing it. In good form, all of us cyclists were sans costume, we tried to convince people that we were the Tour de France, but I don't think it went over that well. Turns out one of the people throwing the party was this girl and she ended up kicking us off the porch as some of the riders were preparing for the trek back into Minneapolis. I opted to stay for a while at the party, weighing my options vs being outside and hanging out with lots of people in silly costumes. The most memorable was probably the girl dressed as Sharon Tate, complete with pregnant belly and the correct number of stab wounds (she did he research apparently). There was also two women dressed as Frida Kahlo from the famous picture where they are connected, that was clever. Once again I was just Minneapolis bicycling boy, but that was fine by me. Afterwards I headed down to meet up with the group, they were at White Sands starting a little fire. It was nice that although I was riding against the wind, the majority of the ride back was downhill, awesome.
Rest of the weekend was really spent just schooling and working, pretty uneventful.
I got a flat coming home from work today, so I opted to just walk the bike back and enjoy the unseasonably warm weather. Instead of simply fixing the flat (I hate the tire it was on, I have to buy another), I decided instead to swap cogs out on the FG bike. I had been rocking a 46/15 but that will prove to be too high a gear come winter. I had an extra 18 lying around in my parts bin, so I made that little switch-a-roo. Of course in the process I managed to almost rip off part of my fingernail, to the point where it started bleeding from under the nail, good times. The bike is much more fun to ride now, quick and zippy just like I like it.
(Oh and I just went outside to let the cat out, I totally change my view that you should all go outside and enjoy the weather. It is warm but windy as hell, I guess that high pressure front is getting pushed out a little earlier than I had anticipated.)
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