Friday, October 06, 2006
Poor Thor.

(No you aren't a happy cat are you?)
Thor (the crazy raccoon chasing cat) came home a little beat up yesterday. As of yet I am not sure if he did in fact get into a fight, or if something else happened. I know that he came home after being gone longer than normal with bloody ears, not wanting to do anything but crawl under the bed. Usually Thor is agressive in not only his hunting, but his desire for affection. After he gets home and fills his belly with what seems to be delicious kitty food, the next thing he always does is attack one of us looking for some love. Last night however he was just not the same cat, something happened. His ears looked bad, blood coming from the inside and scrapes all over the left one. As well his face was a little puffy on the left side (still is). We were assuming a fight, and to ensure there wasn't any lasting damage we took a drive down to the 24hr animal emergency room.
The drive to the shelter was interesting, Thor the entire time was making the most unusual meows from the confines of his wicker basket. You would have thought someone was killing him, or that he has been in there much longer than the 15 minute drive it took to get to Golden Valley. The vet illuminated somewhat of his idea of what had happened to poor black kitty, at least one scenario. The way that both of his ears were bleeding from the inside, looked to him like maybe he had gotten his head stuck in something, and was struggling to get it out. The cartilidge attaching the ear to the bone had been ruptured a little, causing the bleeding. He was saying that when Thor was struggling to get out, his ears may have been pulled and scraped, consistent with the injuries. After a little clean up of the ears and a stern warning to keep Thor inside for a couple of days, we headed back home. Thor is still not himself, but he is regaining some of the spunkyness we all know him for. Eventhough he has spent the majority of the day asleep on a pillow, hasn't been outside once. Up until about 15 minutes ago he had not even tried to venture outdoors, another unThor like behavior. It seems like he will be ok, even if his face is a little swollen.

On a lighter note, I realized that from Tuesday until Thursday of next week I have the following to turn into or do for my various classes.
1)Lab assignment for biogeography
2)Writing assignment for biogeography, just a couple of pages about an article we had to read.
3)Exam in biogeography (fun fun fun)
4)Language journal for one of my classes, just a few pages, I am writting about speech communities and google chat.
5)Weekly hip-hop reaction paper.
6)Hip-hop pioneer paper (see last blog post).
7)Transcription work group report, which involves meeting with some of the members of my class and spending a couple of hours talking about or transcribed conversations.
Not to mention the normal reading that needs to be done, which is hundreds of pages a week.
Oh and work.
Oh and the cat that needs lots of attention and love right now.
No wonder I don't have much of a social life right now.
P.S. The asked me to work another day a week at the restaurant, in a greater capacity than mere butcher. I get to be a bonafide line cook again.

Yeah I threw random pictures in there to shake things up a little. This last one is of me picking my nose at Maria's Cafe, right before I stuffed myself with corn pancakes. I didn't notice until I posted it but Maria herself is in the background, now wonder she glared when she entered her restaurant.
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Um, I do believe two very attractive ladies were also picking their noses at Maria's. You should put those ones up too my friend.
Corn pancakes are manna from heaven. Heavy on the cojita cheese!!!
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Corn pancakes are manna from heaven. Heavy on the cojita cheese!!!
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