Tuesday, November 28, 2006


After school today I had the pleasure of coming home to an interesting smell. Tracing the source proved to be more difficult than one would expect, but I knew that cute little Thor had left me a "present" somewhere around the house.


He even looks like he knew what he did.

Anyway I spend the next 4 hours painting, yes pictures or paintings whatever. I don't consider myself much of an artist these days, and my efforts today were more practical in nature. Someone noted to me a couple of days ago that my bedroom walls are all too white, and I need some paintings or something to counteract the starkness. I am not really in a position right now to be able to buy any more paintings, my quota for the year has been reached. Instead I took out the old paints I had tucked deep into the dark parts of my closet and applied them to a random bit of plywood left over from remodeling either the kitchen or bathroom of the old house. The results were not anything to be proud of (hence no picture here or flickr) but the picture should fill the blandness of my bedroom nicely. It was sad though, I had to google what I should use to thin down acrylic paint; it has been that long since I picked up a brush.

It has me thinking that I should spend more of my free time fucking around on the random chunks of wood I have lying around. Better than going out to the bar and getting myself obliterated.

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