Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I think I am pretty much caught up with school for now, so I have a little moment to not study.

So I ended up hitting 3 keggers on Saturday night, lots of riding around and causing trouble. The last party I went to was at the food distributor, more fun than I had expected. There were gobs and gobs of people that I have met somehow throughout my years in the industry, some which I had not thought about for quite a few years. I closed the place down at around 3ish, at which time I helped with the clean up a little. I wasn't looking forward to the prospect of riding my bike alone back from the northside, and it was kinda cold. After we were all cleaned up and leaving, the owner handed me a little care package for my help.

I don't know the cheese, but it was nice and stinky and went quite well with the loaf of sour wheat bread. The walnuts are supposedly caramelized by some 60 year old women in Spain. The bag of cacao is supposedly awesome hot chocolate, though I have yet to try it. I could have taken more stuff home, but I was limited to the confines of my backpack.

I found out yesterday that Thor (black cat) is in fact going to be living with me for the next couple of months, perhaps longer. So now it is the two of us boys, causing trouble and leaving the toilet seat up.

Tomorrow I get to petition the financial aid office for some better financial aid. With working part time and getting divorced, my income has dropped about 50k a year.... Hopefully those bastards will give me something aside from unsubsidized loans.

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