Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Pictures of food is what I post when I really have nothing important to say...

The first couple were tonight's dinner, basically French Lentils with sweet potatoes, caramelized onions, arugula (love that shit), shit-tons of garlic and coriander-fennel-black peppercorn all smashed in my mortar and pestle, I probably tossed in a little curry powder and chili flakes but really who cares? It was good and that is all I really was worried about, I had two heaping bowls for dinner.


The other is just saffron cauliflower risotto with pecorino and spinach. Using of course the Cadillac of risotto rices, none other than Carnaroli of course.

SHIT! I just remembered I was going planning on tossing mushrooms into the lentils tonight, that was the entire reason I was cooking them in the first place, just to get rid of the souring shroomage! I guess they are going into tomorrow's salad and or breakfast eggs.

I also am going to be taking a little break from bread baking... Well at least for myself, I still may bake a loaf or two for a random (post cleansing?) gift.

aw, you thought you could hide your oh-so-touching thoughtfulness with that black-on-black type.
Would you buy it if I said I just didn't remember the color of the background?
partially, but freshly baked bread excuses a lot of stuff :)
Dude, I wish I lived at your place. Not that Mike isn't great and all, but I bet he doesn't even know what risotto is. Also that lentil stuff looks fantastic! I had Lotus leftovers for dinner.
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