Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Staying on the pedals.

The little sister of mine that lives here in Minneapolis had been bugging me about updating my blog. Not that life hasn't been full enough to find interesting things to blog about mind you, but part of me just figures that the blogging portion of my life should take a little hiatus. I have this bad history of getting myself in trouble and I have no intentions of doing that again.
That said this post is going to be all about biking (surprised?)
I have been working the two jobs, that is true. However I still manage to have lots of time off to do nothing really; no school, no work to take home etc.
I have been riding a lot.. More than I ever have really.
Last week alone I somehow put 217 miles on the Merckx, a new record for Felipe. For the month so far (June) I am pushing 600, and it feels excellent. I am really dreading the time when school is going to begin again and my time will no longer be so free. I figure I must be getting at least a little faster, but I can't really tell the difference, at very least my posterior is more and more used to being plopped on the Selle Italia Flite for hours at a time. Also I have been lucky enough to see parts of the cities that normally would have felt too far now that I have sold the big ass truck and the cute little VeeDub.
(Insert edit here)
Well it has taken me a week or so to finally get back to posting, I got distracted half of the way through and have just been too occupied to worry about blogging. To keep with the bike vein I will just keep talking about riding, which still I have been doing a lot of. There was the big bike race in the cities this weekend, which was totally awesome to watch. I managed to watch the women's race downtown Minneapolis and biked the 27+ miles each way to Stillwater to see the race end. It always amazes me how expensive the bikes of professional racers are, mind boggling really. I managed to bike 60 miles both Friday and Sunday with a shorter 35 miler on Saturday, that said I am taking today (Monday) off from cycling and have only commuter miles (8 something).
Talking to some friends I came to the realization that the chronic creaking that I cannot seem to fix from the front of my bike might be the bonds on my Cinelli bars. This evening while watching Pan's Labyrinth (which was awesome btw), I tried to swap out the bar/stem combo for a sweet and sexy cinelli set that was on another bike. The damn cable routing grooves don't allow for my bar-end shifters to enter all the way, meaning I am pretty much fucked. I was planning on a 40-50 mile day tomorrow, but that may be put on hold unless I can find a set of bars that work with both the stem/shifters etc that I have. Considering how much I have been riding that damn bike I should really find a solution post-haste.
Oh and did I mention that I am going to France? Do a google search for my name and you might just be able to learn a bit more... Lets just say I will be biking and cooking, awesome? Yes.
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