Wednesday, August 29, 2007


A scant 5 days until I ship off.

Am I nervous? Yeah a little.

I had the epiphany that I am not required to ride with the group the entire tour, meaning I can take little solo tours around Marseilles while everyone is pounding up the mountains. Not that I don't enjoy riding bikes, but I can and do ride bikes here in Minneapolis, might as well see more of the actual people right?

Tomorrow I need to buckle down and email restaurants in Spain, I know which ones I want to work at and just have to focus and write the emails.



is my fridge right now... Pathetic? Yes.

I think the last time I went grocery shopping was at least a month ago, maybe longer. I made a couple of trips to the farmer's market in that time but even my last one of those was about 2 weeks ago. No cheese, no butter, no veggies to speak of, heck even no eggs. If I wasn't lucky enough to get all my meals at work I would be skin and bones by now.

My house is a total mess right now, all the things that I "might" need for my trip are strew about on my dining room table and I am in the process of packing up all of my clothes to make room for my sub letter.

I think I will kick one or more updates out before I leave, time dependent of course.

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